MapAfrica helps you to digitize information in minutes You can easily list your business, your skills and services and get paid for them securely on the platform. MapAfrica ... Redefining Connections

What is this?

MapAfrica is a marketplace that allows any Individual or business get an online presence within minutes to list their services and products and to start accepting secure transactions across the internet

How does it work?

The idea is quite simple .. we all have something to sell, it could be a hobby like drawing, painting, graphic designing, accounting, being good at math or we could have a business selling items or a service to advertise .. whatever it is .. someone somewhere is willing to pay you for those services no matter how casual they may seem. People need graphic designers to design logos, flyers, cards etc .. Small businesses need freelance accountants for their books, students need help with their homework, creatives are always in high demand .. People always want to buy goods but don’t necessarily know where they can easily buy them. You can quickly register on the platform and create a POST. After creating a post voila! Anyone interested in your products or services can call you and then pay you safely through the platform, we store the funds till the terms agreed by both parties are met and process the funds after the user Releases. Very Simple! no need to be calling and chasing people for your balances and dealing with unanswered calls, you get the notification from the system when they pay, so before starting the job you are assured of your money once completed. Professional and Civil.

Getting the best from Posts

Your posts are how people Identify your Business unit of advertisement, they need to be well formalized and coherent because there are several posts and users quickly ignore sloppy posts. For individual posts if you are posting your premises of stay or business there needs to be an image of the outside of your business premises or house in the gallery, this will help for clients who will visit your premises to easily locate the place and also delivery services to easily find it without too much hassle. Taking a clear picture of the outside of the building or house during daytime will do the trick.As a professional, you also need to post media of you doing something related to your profession for the gallery, not generalized images. Post are free to create but we can create a professional post with all the bells & whistles for you for a fee of $60 for Professionals, $100 for Businesses. Just hit us up from the Contact page and be walked through the process.

Your gallery should include images about you relating whatever occupation you are advertising.. its not a place for a casual images, remembering that everything you post on the platform should generate you money in the long run so these needs to be represented well.

An image can also include a CV image, a script or a page of writing and also images of you doing something relating to the occupation or business being advertised in the post, you can also add a quick introduction video as well. If you handle your posts well you can easily get clients and fans chasing you for your services instead of you going looking for jobs/gigs.

How do I edit my posts?

Editing is currently tricky on the app, you can’t directly edit your post unless the posts have been verified. Only verified posts can allow users to edit them directly. But unverified posts can be edited by the moderators on behalf of the users, just create a Function Custom Order and in the notes provide instructions. Eg; “Edit my post Judas Osei,twitter -@judeonline5 ,instagram- @judasO , tiktok –JudOsei, psn –jud0984” then write the new fields or info you want changed, this will be done for you for a fee of 99 GHS.

What is the verification sign on posts?

Anyone can create posts, its Free! .. but advanced and professional users would want to distinguish their posts from other users .. this is accomplished by verifying your posts .. just like on other platforms. On our platform serious users and businesses can get verified. This involves additional documentation and proof relating to your business or occupation, it’s a bit like KYC. Verified posts appear before Nonverified posts in searches and verified posts have more credibility. To initiate the process just send an email to business@mapghana.group with the subject “Get Verified” then provide your contact and business details, you will be contacted between 1 to 3 business days. or use the whatsapp number in the contact page and tell them you want to be verified Verification costs starts at $300.

Safely using the Platform

MapAfrica has all kinds of users and businesses advertising services or their items for sale, users are advised to make payments through the platform for their order pages. Unlike other platforms users are freely allowed to contact the vendors without much restriction, but if users make their own arrangements for payment outside the system they will be liable for all problems that will be associated with such unsupervised transactions.
So please make all payments through Orders on the platform for your safety and peace of mind.

What are Orders

The Barebones of financial transactions on the system are implemented through Orders, Orders are simplified but very powerful. You see a post that you like to engage, you can freely contact the service provider and discuss, once you both agree you can go back to the post page(detail page) and then create an Order of what you want .. orders are simple so just use plain English to document the interaction eg, “Please design a flyer for my party, I need it by 24th Nov” | “Budget – 80GHS” etc..
You can also attach sample images to the order for more clarification for the vendor.
This records the main terms of the interaction then payment is made to the platform and the vendor is notified, once they complete and you are satisfied, you go to the order menu and “Release” the amount, it’s then paid to them shortly after processing. This protects you from fraud and both parties are protected. Orders carry a 4% surcharge for each party (Professionals), 2% of Item Price (Businesses).

How do Orders Work?

The operation of orders is very simple. Once a user makes an order, you as the Vendor can Accept or Reject the order. They can access the order on their Vendor Orders menu. After accepting it, the user can now pay for it. If payment is successful the order is then began. The vendor is notified of payment and can start work on it. When the vendor is finished working on the order they can click "Completed" on their Vendors menu page to notify the user they are done and after which the user can also confirm that by issuing a "Release", signifying to Admin that it is really completed. The platform now has the signal to pay the vendor. Payment is typically processed within days.

What are Custom Orders?

Custom Orders are Orders sent directly to the System Admin instead of other users on the platform. It works like a bit like a genie. You tell the system what task or services you want done and they take care of it for you. Its quite magical and its simple, you just send the orders in normal English. This is in the case when a user doesn’t want to search through hundreds of posts to find what they may be looking for .. they just send it directly to the admin and he handles all the heavy lifting for them at a fee. Custom orders can be for anything, look at these examples;
- Buy me Shawarma from Mawarko and deliver it to my house | Rebecca Ansah (MapAfrica)
-Buy me some 3 buckets of Ice and deliver it to my office El Kwansah Enterprise (Google Maps), I need it ASAP we are having a party, its 10GHS each | Budget =30GHS
- Get me a Nissan Maxima to buy in Color Black | Budget =65000 GHS
-Buy me Banku and Tilapia and deliver to My house (https://goo.gl/maps/M4R82ffmi7Y4NGNU6) 40GHS
- Find me a piano teacher for my daughter she is 12 years and we live at Dzorwulu
-Buy Blue Skies Icecream Vanilla Bean Flavor Large size and deliver it to Dorcas (https://goo.gl/maps/M4R82ffmi7Y4NGNU6)
-Buy a nice watch for my boyfriend Kwasi Ampah(Accountant)[MapAfrica], giftwrap it and add this message “Love Ever, -Anita”. Deliver it this week in the daytime. Budget -2000GHS
-My husband & I have our wedding anniversary coming Saturday and we will like a photoshoot at our house and a picture frame of our favorite picture Medium size Grace Komedi (Accountant)[MapAfrica]
-Buy me a white ps5 controller and deliver to my home [Collins Agyare (MapAfrica)] | Budget = 500 GHS
-Change $2000 for me and get it delivered to me, I am travelling this evening, I am Emelia Gyani, 0247558962. Will be in North Legon area this afternoon
-I need a key duplicated, get 2 extra copies created for me, visit my premises at GW-247-2467, Adwoa will give it to you. Duplicate and deliver back to us
-I need Antivirus installed on my computer, it has become very slow, Judith Lartey (MapAfrica)
-Buy me ink number 145, HP black and colored for my HP 2415 printer. Daniel Oteng(MapAfrica)
-Get 2 medium bottles of Purleys coconut cooking oil 500ml for Regina Oti (GM-167-2469)
-Pick up and deliver my Fridge I bought from Spintex Melcome and deliver to My House [Gloria Manfo (GM-756-2178)]. Call me on 0248997651 if any problems| Receipt Image Attached
-Please Buy me these Drugs and deliver to my house, Janet Ansoh (mapAfrica) | Prescription Image Attached etc ..

The important thing in filling custom orders is to be as specific as possible and to include the destination or target information well. We don’t call to ask for directions, if you don’t know the location you can tell someone from the location to send you their location via Whatsapp or GhanaPost GPS and copy it and paste it as the destination or target of the posts if they aren’t listed on MapGhana/MapAfrica or GoogleMaps, this would ensure smooth operation for all parties involved. We need to be able to fulfill the full order without any additional input from you.
Once the Admin accepts the orders, the user has to pay the processing fee after which they are given option to select for the final product/service itself. After payment then the items are sent to the user.

What are the Groups?

Groups provide a way to access people who may be into your field of interest but outside your immediate social circle. Think about it, let’s assume you are a fan of fashion, Art, video games, or fans of classical music in Ghana or planning a new Investors club in Accra etc .. most of your members will be friends or friends of friends who will get invited to this group which would most likely be hosted on Whatsapp or Telegram etc for convenience sakes. But there may be several people who may fit your criteria of users you would like to have invited, the problem is that you don’t know them personally or they live far away from you yet would be the perfect addition to the group you’ve always been wishing for …. Welcome to MapAfrica Groups. Now with Groups you can create the group and then post the group chat link on the platform. The chat link is the easiest way for people to join your group. You can include media like videos and pictures describing the group and what it’s about to potential interested ones with other contact details. If you would like to restrict who can join, you can put a password on the group chat link and ask interested users to contact you to be vetted before ..in any case your group now is gone from being from something between a few friends to a global phenomenon that can attract serious contenders from all over the world. Simple and Powerful … start recruiting!! All major chatting platforms are supported; Whatsapp, Telegram, Line, Viber, Signal, Skype, IRC, Linkedin, Facebook etc..

How Events work

Have you ever had to plan an event at a venue or at your place and spent several hours on the phone directing users on where to go because you live in a country where the direction systems still haven’t been formalized?” Events” are created to solve those same problems, You create the event and add the posters and all other information relating to the event and no need for you to be answering phone all day, just tell everyone it’s on MapAfrica .. or better yet just save the QR code associated to the event as your Whatsapp display picture .. that’s all. You can also put a password and share with a few if you want .. all the control is in your hands …
Just bear in mind that when creating the event, it uses your current location as the GPS point so if you are not very good enough with maps, we will suggest you get all the media ready and then head to the actual location itself and make the event post from there .. That will make it safer and the location’s GPS will be picked for registering the event. Savvy users can navigate the point from the map manually from anywhere so that wouldn’t be a problem.

What are Objects

Objects are a new class of assets that can also be listed on the platform. Objects are similar to Individual posts but their underlying characteristics is that they are inanimate items that are listed and can be interacted to by users as well. Objects are a quite exciting but are a bit of a niche category. You can easily contact us through the system to purchase an object that you can use personally or list on the map for your neighborhood to enable access through there. At the moment only Deaddrops can be purchased, they cost $80.

Signposts & Signboards

Signboards allows user to advertise a virtual signboard for others to see. Instead of wasting time and money to construct a physical signboard which is only visible to few people who notice on the street, the Signboard feature allows you to advertise to the whole world at a fraction of the cost and experience the reach and entire power of the internet. Signboards cost are usually valid for 5 days (10ghs/day) but users can contact Admin about creating some with a longer expiry period.






MapGhana helps you to find people, businesses and services in Ghana. This app eases quick discovery and tracking of things of interest. Quickly download and start mapping.

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